Our modern world places a strong emphasis on increasing productivity, improved time and resource management, and creating outcomes, to the point that many books and articles have been written and published on the subject. This article will discuss how to get more done in less time.
Use These Fool-Proof Methods
Make a list of your objectives and to-do items.
Let's assume you've been considering turning a hobby into a business, such as quilting, knitting baby bonnets, and beanies, or upcycling old jeans into denim tote bags. One of the first things you should do is make a list of the materials you'll need and additional overhead charges.
Consider whether you want to sell your handcrafted items at a fair or craft show, in a gift or souvenir shop, or online. You'll need to set up a variety of payment methods so that managing your cash flow is as simple as possible.
Recognize and control your moods.
When faced with particularly difficult work, I'm aware that a common dilemma for freelancers is to seek a distraction. I get on the TV, hoping to catch something intriguing "for just an hour," only to find myself watching sitcoms or soap operas for the remainder of the afternoon.
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Not succumbing to unexpected bursts of sleepiness, excitement, anger, or impatience is all it takes to master one's moods.
Don't give in to your whims and cravings.
Perhaps you're a stay-at-home mom who works part-time as a data entry clerk or a blogger. When you have impending deadlines, you know you can't just accept a spur-of-the-moment request to meet lunch with your buddies.
Determine your "why" (reason for doing anything) before determining "how."
You may be involved in your church and want to go on mission trips, but you haven't been able to do so due to a lack of cash.
You, on the other hand, are well aware that all you care about is the ability to interact with others. So you join another church project, which involves penning encouraging messages and remarks on blank cards and mailing them to the elderly, deployed troops, and prisoners.
Prioritize by Leaving Things Out
Take a piece of paper and note down 15-20 aspects of your life and activities that take up your time. Put a check next to five items on your list that you consider "non-negotiables," such as your employment, family duties, finances, volunteer work, or membership in a certain group or organization, with a red pen.
Then, next to five items that can be classified as secondary activities, add a plus sign. Hobbies or anything else you do for enjoyment or recreation could be included. They may or may not generate more income, but if they help you relax or relieve tension, it's appropriate to schedule time for them.
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Then, eliminate 3-4 activities that you only do sometimes or irregularly from your list. After that, cross off a few additional items that you recognize as "time wasters," such as spending hours on social media, binge-watching Netflix shows, or keeping up with celebrity gossip.
This isn't to argue that you should completely avoid such activities. However, if you regularly spend an hour or more on social media most days of the week, simply schedule time on weekends (e.g. two hours each Saturday and Sunday.).
Make Use of Dovetailing to Get More Done
Dovetailing is the practice of fitting together two things that can easily go together, as opposed to multitasking, which is damaging in the long term because it compromises the quality of one's work.
Asking your children to set the table while you eat dinner in the microwave is a fantastic example of dovetailing. While waiting at the doctor's or dentist's office, putting down your grocery list is also a good idea.
Lifting a pair of dumbbells while watching Netflix or completing a sequence of squats, steps, lunges, sit-ups, and push-ups while listening to podcasts or music can also help you stay in shape.
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Delegate to Free Up Time
We are all extremely talented in certain areas yet tragically inept in others. Delegate the chores you're not excellent at to those who are better able to handle them if you want to continue to improve or grow in those areas.
If you run an internet business, for example, you may concentrate on enhancing your products while delegating work to a freelance SEO copywriter. You can also hire a bookkeeper to take care of your invoicing and receipts.
If you're a working parent, hire a babysitter or pet sitter at least twice a month so you can go on dates with your spouse or have a few hours to yourself to read, embroider, or have a homemade facial. You can also hire a few college guys looking for work to clean your yard or vehicle for a fee.
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